Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Political Leader Essay - 760 Words

The Integrity of Leadership When examining responses about qualities needed in a good leader, the common response was â€Å"integrity.† Merriam-Webster defines integrity as, firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values ; incorruptibility. This definition is widely known to most; however, it stems from the Latin root Intetegritas, which translates as purity and soundness. The sum of these definitions gives one a clear picture of integrity and invokes images of the many historical figures who embodied this integral trait. Every political movement starts with a platform, a series of ideas and ideals that set the individual apart from his peers. Be it Hope and Change or Peace Through Strength, every†¦show more content†¦We crave leaders that are seemingly without fault. There is a sense of wholeness when a fully equipped leader is found. Integrity is what fills the gap and gives us the gut feeling that guides our decision. As a student observer of polit ics and a soon to be voter, the trait of integrity stands out. When my time comes to vote on a leader, the influence for my decision will come from the integrity of the candidates. A leader should show integrity on and off the media screen, he should follow through with promises that he makes, and keep his people at the forefront of his mind. If a leader can be found to meet all these requirements, the people will be able to rest easy with faith that the needs of the nation will be taken careShow MoreRelatedEssay on Immorality of Assassinating Political Leaders697 Words   |  3 PagesMore than thirty-five political leaders have been assassinated since 1825. The assassin and the political leader had different beliefs and ways they thought the government should have been run. It is thought by some, that assassination is the wrong choice to make when it comes to differences in beliefs. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

The Effects Of Television On Children Is Dora A Child...

An Examination of the Negative Effects of Television on Children: Is Dora a Child Predator? In one year, a child tends to spend more time watching TV than the amount of time spent in the classroom. Beginning in 1927, the first television consisted of nothing more than a very small box that consumed a monstrous amount of energy. As years passed, World War II served as the spark in the age of the TV. Many people in the United States of America became distraught during the war. What’s more settling than buying something to make oneself feel better? As TV’s flew off the shelf, little did America know of the potential harmful effects on education. The TV has been proven to negatively affect our children’s brains. The setbacks of TV far outweigh the The Small Fry Club, Tillstrom s Kukla, Fran, and Ollie, and Robert E. Buffalo Bob Smith s Howdy Doody Time provided some of the first children’s programs aired. Cartoons became a popular Saturday morning event in the early 1960’s. This ritual benefited both the parents and the child. The kids enjoye d having such consistent entertainment and the parents managed to have some free time to themselves. However, as time passed by, the use of television did not solely rely on entertainment, but also to distract children. As I watched my mother set my one year old sister in front of the television so she could do some house work, I questioned the health hazard of TV consumption. Ironically, the term baby-sitter is a synonym for a

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Hitler and Stalin free essay sample

Compare and contrast the methods used by Stalin and Hitler to keep opposition to their rule to a minimum To start off this comparison and contrast between the two great leaders, I would like to take in to account that both of them gained absolute power in the similar period of time. As we know Hitler was declared chancellor of Germany in January 1933, a few years back in 1929 Stalin emerged as the great leader and by the early 1930s he was unstoppable having no opposition that can stop his reign. There were just individuals who threatened him from time to time. After the both leaders came in complete power no or little opposition was facing them. Both leaders used different types of force to restrain their opposition, comparing the two dictators there are differences but also some similarities in using force in case the opposition tries to overtake them. Stalin faced the opposition during his rise to power 1924-1929, but also in his consolidation as a supreme leader 1930-1934. We will write a custom essay sample on Hitler and Stalin or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Stalin’s methods of dealing with the opposition mainly consisted of replacing their supporters with his own ones, and simple dismissing them for various reasons, spying and anti-communism. The contrast is that Stalin used force from the beginning, not just during the time he was at the top but also before. During his time from 1929-1953 he had individuals which tried to overtake him in votes, these people such as Kirov in 1934 didn’t last long because Stalin order his secret police to eliminate each individual who has been following Trotskyism. Using the great purge in the summer of 1936 also stated his regime and how he felt about his opponents. During this period he put many people to trial and most of them were executed. Many marshals and generals were the victims of this terror. He finished his supremacy with the Great terror. This terror lasted until 1939. Hitler used force when he gained power in 1933 arresting and prohibiting the members that were against him, the communist groups. The great German leader had used the SA to destroy the communist movement to gain power. Hitler didn’t like the behaviour from the SA leader Ernst Rohm. The SA caused a lot of riots and uncontrollable behaviour. Rohm wanted to place himself as the head of SA and the army. Hitler had different opinion on this situation and n 30 June 1934, as history likes to call it â€Å"The night of the Long Knives†, Ernst Rohm and 85 others were killed. Hitler wanted the support of the army so he can have a greater and stronger Germany. As he dismissed the SA, the unit that would substitute this position was the SS (Schutzstaffel), a secret service with special trained people. The SS has special unit inside the group called the Waffen SS (it is consisted of four units A,B,C and D). Hitler also used the Secret police called Gestapo to clean the streets and slow down the demonstrations against the Nazi party. The man who established the secret police was Hermann Goering, but later on in 1936 was taken over by Heinrich Himmler (also the leader of the SS). The force used can be compared, but it has differences. Hitler planned and had a good reason why to murder (and he wasn’t killing them, he was firing them in most cases), to make his country stronger military wise. On the Soviet side, Stalin murder because he didn’t have trust in the generals, because he wanted to be the only one who can rule the Soviet Union. Unlike Stalin, Hitler used speeches to give confidence to the people but also to go against the opposition and their opinion. Stalin really wanted to be the supreme leader and an idol for all Soviet people. The other way of sizing the opposition to a minimum was the use of Propaganda. Those are the things Hitler used against the opposition. The minister of Propaganda was Joseph Goebbels, the man who was working on Hitler’s side against the opposition, but also giving the Nazi party a better image. With the propaganda he was dismissing his opponents in 1933 while Stalin as mentioned before used the great terror to totally destroy his opposition through imprisonment and executions. To conclude, these two supreme leaders had the same but also different methods of disposing their opposition to a minimum. As it turned out both of the methods were effective. The two leaders met at the greatest battle of modern history (1941). At the end Stalin was more efficient and probably a better leader, he continued his legacy after the war until his death in 1953.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Watergate Essays (672 words) - Watergate Scandal, Watergate Seven

Watergate WATERGATE SCANDAL On the early morning of June 17, 1972, five burglars were caught inside the Democratic National Headquarters in the Watergate office building in Washington, D.C. The burglars, who had been attempting to tap the headquarters' phones, were linked to President Richard Nixon's Committee to Re-elect the President. The Nixon administration, long before the Watergate break-in, had been very careful, almost paranoid, about their public image, and did everything they could to avoid unfavorable publicity. In fact, paranoia was a ?habitual characteristic of Nixon? furthered by the public's criticism of his policies regarding the veitnam War, according to Nixon White House official Jeb Stuart Magruder. That atmosphere of paranoia and suspicion was fueled by the leaking of the Pentagon Papers, defense department documents concerning the United States' involvement in the Vietnam War. These highly secret papers were leaked by Daniel Ellsberg to the New York Times. Shortly after, Nixon established a White House special investigations unit to trace and stop any further leaks to the press. This special investigations unit was nicknamed the ?Plumbers?. It was headed by two of the President's men, G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt. In an attempt to stop new leaks, the Plumbers investigated the private lives of Nixon's enemies and critics. G. Gordon Liddy was the mastermind behind most of CREEP's (committee to re-elect the president) political tricks and illegal activities and proposed a huge intelligence operation against the Democrats. Included in the intelligence operation were plans for a small-scale burglary of the Democratic National Headquarters, located in the Watergate office complex. When Liddy proposed the operation, Muskie (presidential candidate) was ahead of Nixon in some opinion polls and CREEP was pressured to act. John Mitchell gave the authority to Magruder, who gave Liddy the approval to perform the break-in. There was ?enough evidence from Haldeman to indicate the President knew? of the plans for the break-in before it occurred, although Nixon never gave direct orders to the Committee concerning the break-in. The June 17,1972 was not the only break-in of the Democratic Headquarters that occurred. On May 28, 1972, five burglars, carrying out Liddy's plan, broke into the headquarters in attempt to tap the phones. The Howard Johnson hotel across the street is where CREEP members monitored them. When the transcript of the phone calls reached Committee officials, they were deemed worthless. Another burglary was planned to bug the of the Democratic National Chairman, Lawrence O'Brien, who was rumored to have damaging information about President Nixon. The five burglars under the order of the Presidents re-election campaign broke into the Democratic National Headquarters, on June 17, 1972. Security guard Frank Wills caught the burglars, when he noticed tape over the locks on the doors. The burglars were arrested and charges were also filed against G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt. The Burglars left behind $14,000 in hundred dollar bills that could be traced directly back to the Committee to Re-elect the President. Two young reporters from the Washington Post, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, were the first reporters to reveal to the public how deeply involved in the scandal the White House was. CREEP's role however in the Watergate break-in was greatly underestimated during the election do to Nixon's commanding lead over the Democratic presidential candidate. In fact, Nixon, won a landslide victory over the democrats, winning 49 of 50 states, to become the 37th president of the United States. Not to long after the election, the story of the scandal was broke wide open, starting with the prosecution of seven men arrested in connection with the break-in. On January 10, 1973, opening statements in the break-in trial began. The nations attention began to shift to the Watergate affair, while Judge John J. Sirica presided over the case. The seven men, Barker, Gonzalez, Martinez, Sturgis, McCord, Liddy, and Hunt, were charged with various counts of conspiracy, illegal wiretapping, burglary, and illegal possession of eavesdropping equipment. History Reports

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Leon Trotsky Arguments essays

Leon Trotsky Arguments essays One argument of many Stalinists is: "If Trotsky had taken power instead of Stalin, it's very possible Germany would have defeated the USSR in WWII." This is one of the most absurd speculations I have ever heard. In the first place it was very possible Stalin could have lost the war since he purged all the old Bolshevik generals who served during the civil war, leaving him with a very impotent military staff. Secondly, had Trotsky been head of the CPSU it is quite probable that the ferment in Germany would not have taken the reactionary form of fascism, but on the contrary guided by genuine Marxist internationalism under Trotsky would have lead to the German Proletarian Revolution. Trotsky did not even have a fair chance of protecting the USSR against deformation in the first place. History doesn't just happen by chance, Stalin was not just a madman, if it was not Stalin in the USSR it may have been someone else. The reason by the USSR became a deformed workers' state was based in h istoric reasons, Russia was still a semi-feudal country, the proletarians only made up about 10% of the population. History simply was not on Trotsky's side. As Lenin said in his Letter to American Workers "We are banking on the inevitability of the world revolution, but this does not mean that we are such fools as to bank on the revolution inevitably coming on a definite and early date." Meaning, had Lenin not died, and had Trotsky by some incredible chance defeated Stalin in the power struggle he would have also industrialized the USSR, and to a degree, a bureaucracy may very well have formed to a degree, a direct result of Russia not being a developed capitalist nation. So even "if" Trotsky had "won", the key to a healthy workers' state in Russia and internationally was/is the spread of the revolution globally. despite of his better economic policy and his 5 years plan, i find stalin as a dictator that he causes so many disasters to his country and t...

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to Craft Marketing Copy That Wins Over Your Dream Audience

How to Craft Marketing Copy That Wins Over Your Dream Audience It’s every business owner’s dream to work with their ideal customers. But most of the time, we’re stuck working with clients who are either a wrong fit or difficult to work with. Being able to attract your dream audience can make an amazing difference in how you work. It not only makes you more motivated but it’s also a healthy way to run your business. With that said, part of attracting the kind of people you want to work with lies in your marketing copy. When people go to your site, the first thing they’ll read about you is your message. When you convey the wrong things, you might receive interest from people who often don’t end up as customers or just aren’t a good fit for you. That’s why it’s important to be conscious in what you communicate so you get targeted business prospects that love what you do and whom you’d enjoy working with! Improve your copywriting with these free templates!Get Your Free Copywriting Templates Getting to Know Your Ideal Customers A crucial part of establishing the right message lies in who your ideal customers are. Never just assume who your likely audience is. You need to do some sort of market and competitor research  so you don’t have to go through numerous trial and errors. Don’t waste your time doing guesswork when it comes to your message. Follow the steps outlined below to make sure your message resonates with your dream clients! Discover and Understand Who Your Dream Audience Is One of the secrets of winning over your ideal customers is all about getting clear on the type of people best suited to you. That’s why finding who your best and true customers  starts with what you like. The best person to work with is someone who won’t just pay you handsomely (although that would be awesome as well), he or she should be a joy to work with as well. Once you know who exactly to look for, everything else just falls into place. But first, you have to start by being clear on who your dream audience is. This could either be a company or person you’ve worked with in the past, or even a fictitious persona you’ve just drawn up. Start by asking yourself: what kind of people do you (or would) enjoy working with? List out a number of traits or look back at past clients who you liked. Let me give you an example of one of my dream client profiles: My first deal client is a small to medium-size company looking to grow their sales. My person of contact wields a significant amount of decision-making weight. He (or she) can decide on copy matters without having to consult with a reviewing panel. He’s not afraid to try new things and knows what he’s looking for, which he makes sure to communicate clearly to me. Moreover, he values me as a crucial member of the team so my rates aren’t an issue. He knows the value of my work and frequently contacts me for any project he might need help in. Once he sees the results of the past projects, he continues to send work my way. The more detailed your customer profile is, the better. More than just adding a significant amount of details, you can also create more than one ideal customer profile. You can develop an ideal client profile similar to the above with just three steps. Here’s how: 1. Define yourself first to establish the attributes that make them ideal. If you know who you are as a person, you’ll most likely know the type of person you’d love to work with. Start with the usual key traits that show up whenever you’re working with a client or interacting with customers and base off from that. For instance, if you’re the independent type when working, you might prefer someone who lets you do your thing and won’t micromanage you. If you’re the kind of person who likes being heard, include in your customer profile that they need to be open to feedback and suggestions. If you have a non-negotiable stance on your rates, you can include that he or she is the type who won’t lowball your rates. 2. Define your customers’ basic details. Now that you’ve established the part about what makes them your dream customers, it’s time to determine the other details. You can start with the following details: Company size Industry Location (local or anywhere) Work role Online hangout places above are just some factors you can consider to start with. Feel free to add more if you think a detail is relevant enough to be included. 3. Don’t be afraid to delve deeper. The last step is the most crucial of all. You need to get to know them deeply to have an effective message they’d want to read. Get familiar with their needs and wants to make sure your message speaks to their innermost desires, needs, and problems. 6 questions to ask customers to improve your sales.You can ask the following  questions to start with: What do they like? What does he or she value the most when it comes to choosing someone to work with? What are their struggles? What are their most prominent beliefs and opinions? What do they aspire in their life and business? What keeps them interested? These are just a few questions to help you imagine who your likely ideal audience is. Once you have a distinct image of the kind of customer you want to attract, writing a message that speaks to them becomes much more manageable. You can also add other psychographic details such as education level, personality type, fave blogs, and political affiliation, among others. Including most of the above will definitely allow you to build a complete picture of who your ideal customer is. Once you have that, crafting a message that speaks to your target market will be a much easier task! Determine What Their Pain Points Are Now that you have a complete overview of your ideal customer, it’s time to zero in on their pain points. This is a particularly important part because crafting the kind of marketing copy that attracts is your dream audience is all about knowing their problems and needs. However, it’s important that you don’t make any assumptions about your audience during this process or your message won’t likely resonate with them. That’s why you should start by asking the right questions. Use focused and open-ended questions that will allow you to learn more about your prospects and their struggles. For example, if your target is small business owners looking to expand, you may ask them questions like: What has stopped you from growing your business so far? Why? What aspect of your business has taken the most time and money? Why? What’s your number one complaint about running your business? Why do you think it’s happening? If you noticed, the above questions sought to pinpoint a particular issue first and then the reasoning why that problem occurred or keeps on happening. This line of questioning allows you to get to the root of the problem and gain much deeper insights on how you can help them solve that particular issue. Another method you can do is to analyze how they interact online. Should you have limited or no chance to survey your ideal customers, you can look at the places they hang out on online such as social media  and forums. Some things you may want to look at are: What do they frequently ask about or discuss with others? What kind of information are they consuming? Are they frequent readers of marketing blogs or news sites? What can you glean from their online behavior? Do they spend more time on social media than any other platform? Why could this be so? The key here is to keep asking and asking until you get to the crux of their behavior. Maybe they’re on social media so much because they’re invested in the personal lives of others or are managing their business pages. You can then note the info down and see later on if it’s something you can use in your message. Whether you choose to engage with your ideal customers directly or analyze them from a distance- the important thing is to listen. Listening well will allow you to peel back the layers of their persona and what they’re struggling with. If you’re able to do that, you’ll be able to glean valuable customer insight that will allow you to speak to their inner desires and concerns. But don’t just resort to using your knowledge of your customers’ pain points to twist the knife and aggravate their pain. A more sustainable and non-icky route is to use it so you’ll know how to position yourself as the solution. Once you know what makes them tick, you’ll know the exact things they’re experiencing and would want to avoid. You can then use the information so you can figure out which pain points you can then help solve. From there, you can also figure out which desires you need to fulfill or fears of theirs you can help overcome which can be the basis of your business offer. Position Your Offer as the Answer to Their Pain Points This takes us to the next step which is to position your offer as the solution to their problems. You have to be able to convey how you can provide value in their lives and how you can help solve any of their particular pain points. You can include any of the following to position your offer: Name your target audience. It’s important that it’s clear to your ideal customers that your business is geared toward them. You can do this by naming them directly or characterizing them in your message. Here’s a great example by Lever: In their message, they make it clear that their target audience mainly consists of recruiters and hiring managers. Show them that you understand them. This is where your research comes in. Mention a specific issue they’re likely still struggling with and include that in your message. This conveys that you know them and are intimately familiar with what they’re facing. Toggl (image below) does this by including the line â€Å"Where did the time go?† For many of us, it’s easy to lose track of time and wonder how you spent it all along. The brand aptly addresses the said concern with the headline they used in their homepage. State your key benefit. For this part, make sure you include the most compelling reason why they should do business with you. Buffer does this below by stating that they can help you save time when it comes to managing your social media. Provide a context on how you can help them. To make your message more powerful, it’s not enough to mention a specific benefit. Take it a step further and provide an instance when your product or service can be valuable. This makes it easier for them to understand how your offer  fits in with their needs or problems. Shopify does this by stating that you can use their platform â€Å"whether you sell online, on social media, in store, or out of the truck of your car...† It makes it easier for Shopify’s visitors to self-select whether the platform is suitable for them or not. Add your most compelling differentiator. It’s not enough to offer them the solutions they need, you also have to let them know what makes you different from your competitors. You can do this by mentioning a USP that fulfills a specific problem your core audience.Dreamland does this perfectly by stating that they’re â€Å"The only brand with the rights to use the patented Miracoilâ„ ¢ springs - the world's most advanced spring system to date.† Once most or all of the above are in place, you’ve now made a solid positioning that will grab the attention of your ideal customers! Here's how to craft copy that your audience will connect withCrafting Copy That Your Audience Can Connect With Now that you’ve got their attention, it’s time to craft your marketing copy in a way that your audience can resonate with. No matter how well you’ve positioned yourself, it won’t mean a thing if you can’t properly translate that into your message. That’s something you can accomplish through the below tips. Create the Perfect Hook Through Social Listening Leading with the right hook allows you to build on the interest of your prospects and encourage them to read more about your message. To craft the kind of hook that will win over your audience, it has to first speak to what they’re going through- specifically their wants and fears. You’ll know what those are by doing social listening research  that involves: Tracking mentions of your brand or business on social media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter) Checking out review sites on what customers are saying about your products or services (e.g. Amazon, Yelp) Analyzing your online metrics to see if there are any patterns or trends you should take advantage or steer clear of (e.g. increased traffic from Instagram, backlinks from bad sites) Doing the above can clue you in on the conversation that’s going in on their heads and what kind of words they’re using. The key here is to use the same words in your message so they can resonate with what you’re trying to convey. For example, if the primary concern of your ideal customers is self-improvement, use words that would tie in with that concept. Using words like success, purpose, transform, achievement,  and their variations to hook your target prospects is an effective way to cater to their deepest desires and needs. You might craft your hook like this: Transform your life and finally achieve the business success you’ve always wanted! Let me help you become more confident and proactive in building a business that aligns with your life’s purpose. Craft Boredom-Free Messages That Stick to Mind If you haven’t noticed, today’s web readers get bored fast. And bored people hop on to the next thing that will catch their attention. So once you catch your ideal customers’ attention, you need to be able to keep it with a boredom-free marketing copy that will stick to their mind even after they’ve finished checking you out. One of the ways you can do that is by writing conversationally. Why? Because people won’t be able to connect with your brand or business if you’re always talking jargon or doing a lot of â€Å"business speak.† That’s why it’s important to craft your marketing copy like how you talk. Use â€Å"you† a lot and don’t make the mistake of only talking about yourself or your business. Just like in real life, no one likes people or businesses that are always full of themselves. Your message should be about them and what they could get from you. Another way to keep your readers from being bored is to avoid marketing buzzwords. Using marketing drivel doesn’t add any value to your message and will only serve to make you sound hollow. Moreover, it makes you sound like everybody else which is the surest way to be thrown into the â€Å"businesses no one really remembers† category. The key thing to remember here is to just make sure your brand sounds real. If your brand is a reflection of yourself, incorporate parts of yourself that you want to show. Maybe you have a straightforward, no-BS approach way of communication, then make sure it’s evident in your copy. One particular example of a business that does this well is Firebox. It’s a fun, humorous brand that likes incorporating amusing takes on gift-giving. Check out their latest homepage copy: They tweaked their site’s headline in light of the Christmas season to let people know (cheekily) that the holidays is really all about the gifts. You don’t always have to use humor to make your message interesting. Just do most, if not all, of the above tips and you can make your brand appear more accessible and easier to connect to! Sell Without Using Hype Hype-based selling is all about using exaggerated tactics to fire up readers so they would be more compelled to buy. Although it’s common to see this type of tactic used on today’s marketing copy, it can easily backfire since you’re trading your credibility for short-term returns. It’s much better to go for a method that’s much more viable to use for the long run because it’ll help build loyalty toward your brand. A good example of a hyped up claim is, â€Å"If You Know How to Write, You Can Be a Published Book Author in 2 Weeks – Guaranteed!† As a writer myself, I know that it takes more than just knowing how to write to be a published book author. You have to have specific knowledge of what you’re writing about and be able to self-publish and market it or get a publishing outfit to help you distribute your book. More than just that, it would take more than two weeks to publish a book. The only way that kind of claim would be valid is if they’re churning out ready-made books for people to publish. This type of implausible claims can only appeal to those who are impatient for results and such people would likely drop you the second you fail to live up to your claims. If you’re looking for long-term customers who will stick with you, that isn’t just the way to go. Even without hype, you can write powerfully persuasive marketing copy  by tailoring your message to resonate with your ideal customers’ needs and wants. Because at the end of the day, conveying your value is still what seals the deal. Write With Specificity Including specific details in your message is another remarkable way to increase your credibility. It’s not only more believable but it also positions you as a knowledgeable source when it comes to that topic. Sharing specific data means you did your due diligence in advance so you can provide your prospects the right information to aid in their buying decision. Rev does this by sharing a statistic on their ad that they can tie in with their services. While in their caption, they provide a specific turnaround time (24 hours), their accuracy rate (99%), and their price per minute ($1). This goes beyond your standard spiels like â€Å"quick service† and â€Å"accurate work.† After all, people will have different definitions of what fast or accurate is so it’s better to be specific on the exact meanings of your claims. You can also apply the concept of specificity when it comes to your benefits. Just choose one specific benefit that has the most advantage for your target market. This helps your message to immediately resonate with them. TransferWise uses this method to  make  their home page’s web copy more compelling. They start out by stating how much exactly do banks typically charge when sending money (up to 5% in hidden costs) and that they’re actually â€Å"8x cheaper,† which means more savings for its users. By using the above tactics, your target prospects will be going, â€Å"This is for me!† in their heads long before they’re finished reading what you have to say! Converting Your Best Prospects to Lifelong Customers Now that you’ve managed to grab their attention and attract them to your brand, it’s time to convert them as lifelong customers. Once you’ve got good people looking at you, it only makes sense to have them on your team- for good (or as long as possible). Overcome Barriers to Purchase Most people don’t just buy on a whim. If it’s an especially big purchase, you can bet that your customers will likely take their sweet time thinking about whether to buy it or not. Converting your target prospects  into actual paying customers means you have to be able to pre-empt any concerns they may have about buying from you. A good way to do this is to reframe the cost of your offering especially if the product or service you’re offering is expensive. Cast your pricing in a different light by positioning the cost as an investment for them. Let them know that they’d only need to pay a high fee once and that they’ll be able to reap the returns repeatedly in the future. Or you can also break down the total cost to a much more digestible amount. For instance, if you’re offering a $30 monthly membership course, let them know that they’ll get to learn from your expertise for just $1 a day or for less than the cost of one Starbucks coffee. Whatever paints a better picture for your audience. Another way to make the buying process easier is to offer different price tiers  such as the one below: This is because not all costs can be reframed. That’s why in such cases, it’s better to just have a variety of pricing points that your audience can choose from. Lastly, take away the risks of buying from you. Offer a free trial or a money-back guarantee for a specific period of time. Using the above tips will definitely ensure a much smoother buying process to help your prospects become your lifelong customers. Get People to Act on Your Message with a Strong Call-to-Action  Copy What’s a superbly crafted message if it doesn’t compel your target audience to act? Now that all the other elements are in place, the next logical step is to move them toward a specific action. For that, you’ll need a call-to-action or CTA to end your message. Compelling calls-to-action prompts your prospects into engaging with your brand or website in some way. And for that you’ll need two things: a compelling button copy and a striking visual presentation.  Here’s an amazing example by HubSpot: In the above example, they ditched the standard â€Å"Sign Up† and â€Å"Free Trial† CTA copy for a more benefit-oriented one: †Convert More Visitors.† Moreover, they made sure the CTA button popped out by using the color green to contrast with the orange background.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Computer Sciences and Information Technology Essay - 5

Computer Sciences and Information Technology - Essay Example The recent years have been marked by a shift of resources to more secure designs now that the implementation bags have proved to be scarce courtesy of SDL (Viega and McGraw, 2002, p. 67) Threat models are SDL’s cornerstone as they make it possible for the development team to figure out secure designs in a way that is structured. To achieve this effectively, threat model has been simplified into several tasks; coming up with pictures of data flows software, the application of the â€Å"stride per element† method in an effort to identify threats applicable to the desired design, taking a look at each threat and verification to ensure that the software has been modeled enough by putting into consideration each threat and addressing all the discovered threats (Pfleeger, 1997, p. 78) The basic element of a threat model is in its delineation of the entry points in its application. The threat model is in such a way that it is able to capture the entry points in form of trust b oundaries during the phase commonly referred to as the â€Å"picture-drawing†. Good examples of this include; registry and files entry points and networking entry points. A threat model that is good enough should also be in a position to capture the authorization as well as the authentication requirements and the network accessibility of the interfaces. This process involves network accessibility via the IP address including the remote and local, local-only access and local subnet. The process also includes the authorization and authentication levels, user access, administrator-only access and anonymous access. When it comes to Windows access control lists (ACLs), the authorization levels come as finer-grained (Pfleeger, 1997, p. 56). The process identity is another critical data piece that is always captured by this model. In this case, the running code’s interference is what is taken to be the entry point and the resulting process which is high-privilege is considere d to be very dangerous if it is compromised. In the case of Windows, the administrator or the system process are regarded as being the highest privilege. In Mac OS X or Linux situation, the running process happens to be the most privileged (Viega and McGraw, 2002, p. 108). References List Pfleeger, C. 1997. Security in Computing. Prentice Hall: New Jersey Viega, J & McGraw, G. 2002. Building Secure Software. Addison-Wesley: New York DQ: RBAC The Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is an essential access management approach. It offers a provision method that is straight forward and in the right access level and to the correct users every time it is being applied. Despite RBAC applications, most of the security teams are still facing difficulties when it comes to account implementation and the process of access management on RBAC. The reason for the above scenario is that most of the internal developer’s teams and vendors are not coming up with capabilities based on the expected r ole into the solutions at hand. RBAC has been applicable in major overhaul in the last two years resulting to its application being assigned to more than 20, 000 users on each product. Many vendors tend to be attracted to such products. This indicates how RBAC has value to the management and its users. The latest RBAC model is designed in such a way that it enforces the least segregation and

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Moral Mind Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Moral Mind - Essay Example The opponents of this argument Ross and Nisbett reject this ideology and hold the view that human behavior is inconsistent across situations. According to Schwartz, one normally has interest for others and it is ‘opposed to egoism’ (148). Hence, at certain occasions people do act upon the interest of the others. Whereas, Ross and Nisbett understand this social psychology in a different manner as a kind of ‘fascinating things about human behavior’ which can either validate or contradict it (187). They understand that human behavior is mysterious and can act upon the circumstances and situations of particular time. Schwartz’s opinion is well substantiated with many evidences. He argues his point of view in the mental functioning of presumption, assuming to be true. Presumption is the very basis of his explanation of the existence of the concept altruism. A normal person holds an instinct to serve the other without making any preferences. Moreover, an al truist act is little or no at all profit or benefit oriented. To substantiate his argument he explains certain fields of study such as biology, economics and psychology. Whereas, he is totally being criticized by Ross and Nisbett as they stick on to a different and unique point of view. They strongly support their view even by establishing a term of ‘fundamental attribution of error’ and believe that the personality can have a greater influence in deciding on decisions (189). Furthermore, personality and human behavior have tremendous influence in every action performed by him. But the situation and the sudden movements always do not encourage an act of altruism. It is a normal understanding that at a particular situation, a person acts accordingly. This concept is better explained in following verses â€Å"the situationist acknowledges that individuals may exhibit behavioral regularity over time across a run of a substantially similar situation† (Ross& Nisbett 1 99). Therefore, they strongly argue that the behavior is completely unreliable. An unreliable human behavior is subjected to change with the change in situation; whereas, the former concept of altruism is further substantiated on the basis its perfection which only possible through a whitewash over the egoistic motives. Ultimately, Schwartz accepts and understands the challenges associated with it such as ‘individualism, atomism and egoism’ but he is optimistic and says â€Å"altruism becomes not impossible but ubiquitous† (.149). However, overcoming every problem is coupled with clear understanding and rational thinking. The tension prevailing is nothing but a contradict view. On the one side Schwartz argues that humans are robustly and consistently altruistic, describing the tendency or the instinct to serve others; while on the other side Ross and Nisbett contradict this view by substantiating their view of inconsistency across situations. Therefore, solving t his debatable issue is not an easy task. Guided by intelligence or rational thinking one would always adapt a mid-way approach as it is well said that virtue lays in the middle. Before coming to a final decision one should always look at both pros and cons of both points of view. The positive sides of the altruistic attitude are remarkable as humans do such kind of activities in their day-to-day life. Similarly, on the other side, the argument for situational act is not a negligible ideology as many at circumstances some hesitate to perform certain good actions. On

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Split-Cycle Engine Essay Example for Free

The Split-Cycle Engine Essay The Split-Cycle Engine changes the heart of the conventional engine by dividing (or splitting) the four strokes of the Otto cycle over a paired combination of one compression cylinder and one power cylinder. Gas is compressed in the compression cylinder and transferred to the power cylinder through a gas passage. The gas passage includes a set of uniquely timed valves, which maintain a prechargedpressure through all four strokes of the cycle. Shortly after the piston in the power cylinder reaches its top dead center position, the gas is quickly transferred to the power cylinder and fired (or combusted) to produce the power stroke. Split-cycle internal combustion engine claims have the potential to double fuel efficiency for same size engine, while reducing the manufacturing price by up to 50% which includes a built in dedicated compressor. Rather than using batteries and electric motors/generators to harness braking energy, the engine uses the air compressor. A split cycle engine includes a novel compressor apparatus driven by the combustion engine, a closed-cycle refrigeration system in cooperation with the compressor apparatus, and a pneumatic motor driven by compressed air from the compressor apparatus. Refrigerant in the compressor absorbs thermal energy from compressed air and assists in compressing the air. High-pressure air from the compressor is stored in a storage tank and may be used to drive the pneumatic motor or other auxiliary equipment in addition to providing high-pressure combustion air for the internal combustion engine Introduction An engine includes a crankshaft having a crank throw, the crankshaft rotating about crankshaft axis. A compression piston is slid ably received within a compression cylinder and operatively connected to the crankshaft such that the compression piston reciprocates through an intake stroke and a compression stroke of a four stroke cycle during a single rotation of the crankshaft. An expansion piston is slid ably received within an expansion cylinder. A connecting rod is pivotally connected to the expansion piston. A mechanical linkage rotationally connects the crank throw to the connecting rod about a connecting rod/crank throw axis such that the expansion piston reciprocates through an expansion stroke and an exhaust stroke of the four stroke cycle during the same rotation of the crankshaft. A non-circular path is established by the mechanical linkage which the connecting rod/crank throw axis travels around the crankshaft axis. Moving Engine Technology into the 21st Century The first four-stroke piston engine was developed in 1876. This four-stroke piston arrangement is still the primary design of engines built today. Today’s engines operate at only 33% efficiency. This means that only 1/3 of the energy in each gallon of fuel is used the rest is lost through friction and heat. With over a billion engines currently in use worldwide, even small gains in efficiency will have huge impacts on the economy, dependency on foreign oil, and the environment. Despite immense efforts over the past century, engine efficiency has remained the same. The Heart Of The Engine Needs To Change: The heart of the internal combustion engine is a piston moving up and down in a cylinder connected to a crankshaft. Its simplicity makes improving performance almost impossible. Small improvements have proven difficult and large improvements have been considered impossible. Improving the four-stroke piston design has become the Rubik’s Cube of engineering, a puzzle that nobody has been able to solve until now. While the industry struggles for gains in the 1% range, the design of the Split-Cycle Technology pushes engine efficiency and performance to an entirely new level. Conventional Engine Design The heart of the internal combustion engine is a piston connected to a crankshaft, moving up and down in a cylinder through the four strokes of the Otto Cycle, the intake, compression, power and exhaust strokes. In a typical four-stroke cycle engine, power is recovered from the combustion process in these four separate piston strokes within each single cylinder. This basic design has not changed for more than 100 years. The Various Strokes And Stages Involved A. Intake and Compression: The basic concept of the Split Cycle Engine is to divide the four strokes of a standard engine over a paired combination of one compression cylinder and one power (or expansion) cylinder. These two cylinders perform their respective functions once per crankshaft revolution. The concept is illustrated in Figures 1 through 8. A common misconception is that twice as many cylinders are required. This is simply not accurate. Because this engine fires every revolution instead of every other revolution, the number of power strokes produced is equal to the power strokes produced by two of the conventional piston/cylinder designs. A four cylinder engine would still have four cylinders. There would simply be two sets of paired cylinders instead of four individual cylinders. In the configuration shown, an intake charge is drawn into the compression cylinder through typical poppet-style valves. B .Compression Stroke The compression cylinder then pressurizes (Fig. 2) the charge and drives the charge through the crossover passage, which acts as the intake port for the power cylinder. In this illustration, a check valve (best seen in Figures 6, 7 and 8) is used to prevent reverse flow from the crossover passage to the compression cylinder, and likewise a poppet-style valve (crossover valve) prevents reverse flow from the power cylinder to the crossover passage. The check valve and crossover valve are timed to maintain pressure in the crossover passage at or above firing conditions during an entire four stroke cycle. C. Power and Exhaust: Combustion occurs soon after the intake charge enters the power cylinder from the crossover passage. This means that the start of combustion occurs after the power cylinder passes through its top dead center position. The resulting combustion drives the power cylinder down. Exhaust gases are than pumped out of the power cylinder through a poppet valve to start the cycle over again. D. Previous Split-Cycle Designs There have been other similar split-cycle engine designs in the past, but they have never been able to match the thermal efficiency levels of the standard four-stroke engine. This is due in large part to the fact that, as the gas is transferred from the crossover passage to the power cylinder in the prior engine designs, the gas has always been allowed to over-expand in the power cylinder and then must be recompressed before initiating combustion. The extra work required to recompress the gas greatly reduces efficiency levels.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Education Through The Television :: Technology, TV, Informative

Education Through The Television "TV is justly called `the boob tube'." I disagree, in my opinion, television has many positive and informational uses. Television is now being used more in school because it is proven that students remember and comprehend better than from a regular class lecture. Television has always been good for spreading the news of current world events but it is now being used for more educational and informational documentaries. Television is becoming more and more an educational essential for children. Before they start school, children learn many basic and fundamental tools from television. Most kids learn the alphabet and how to count from shows like Sesame Street and Barney. As children get older there are many story-telling shows that either feature stories with good morals or they tell masterpiece stories like Hercules, Hunchback of Notre Dame, etc.. Some of these stories are now a part of our culture and children know and understand them because of television. As people grow older, television, at least for recent generations, plays a large role in socialization. On many sitcoms and talk shows one can learn of problems of today like teenage pregnancy, poverty, drugs, etc.. Television also seems to support somewhat decent morals, a very religious person may not think so but television still follows the good guy-hero, bad guy-loser theme. From certain shows on TV one can learn what sort of things are socially acceptable for instance fashion, behavior and hobbies. Television features many "how-to" shows like gardening, painting, cooking, etc.. It also has many documentaries on foreign lands and

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Resuming Internationalization at Starbucks Essay

Starbucks is the premier roaster, marketer and retailer of specialty coffee in the world. The first Starbucks store was opened in Seattle in 1971. The current CEO, Howard Schultz, joined the company in 1982 and decided bringing the Italian coffee-drinking culture to the United States. In 1992, the company went public. In 1996, with the home market becoming increasingly saturated, Starbucks opened the first outlet in the Far East. Ever since, the company has pursued a relentless international expansion. By 2012, Starbucks had achieved a global reach of 18,066 stores in 62 countries. With revenues grew on average 30 per cent per year, Starbucks experienced substantial growth from $160 million in 1993 to $10 billion in 2009. In 2007, Starbucks had a presence in 56 countries through approximately 17,000 stores. However, Starbucks’ relentless march had been slowed by increasingly intense competition and rising coffee bean prices between 2007 and 2009. After 2007, demand for Starbucks’ products was badly hit by the global economic recession. At the end of fiscal 2009, nearly all of the approximately 800 US Company-operated stores, 61 stores in Australia and 41 Company-operated stores in other International markets had been closed. Approximately 70 per cent of the stores that were closed had been open for fewer than 3 years. In the third quarter of 2009, The company achieved the first profit since the first quarter of 2008 by the self-save closure. Finally, CEO Schultz made Starbucks backed to the growth trend. But as the criticism the company had receiv ed on a number of fronts, he needed to decide again how to approach international markets. Industry Analysis The 5 forces approach is used in this part and the aim of this analysis is determining the attractiveness of the industry and understanding factors driving past, current and forecast industry profitability. Barriers to Entry: A cup of coffee could be served from many kinds of sources, such as independent operated coffee shops, quick-service restaurant, specialty coffee shops, and international retailers. Considering different types of independent operated coffee shops, the barriers of this industry is not that high. However, being one of recognized and respected band in this industry needs standard quality and high level of capital to support. In this case,  the barriers to entry are medium. Bargaining Power of Suppliers: The coffee beans are mainly plant in Latin America, East Africa and South Asia. Exporters collect coffee beans which are already roasted from farmers and trade with retailers all over the world. Although there are plenty of suppliers in the industry, with the increasing consumption globally and the decreasing production in the large coffee producing countries, the average wholesale price for coffee had increased twofold between 2001 and 2010. The suppliers still keep strong power on bargaining. Bargaining Power of Buyers: The customer have lots of choices even though there will be a variety of request on flavor for different people. They also have low switching cost because of many competitors and brands in the market. Product differences are small and price sensitivity is high. All of these reasons give consumers strong bargaining power. Threat of Substitutes: There are a number of substitutes in the market to buyers. Juice, Tea and other beverages could be another choice for people. There are also many kinds of coffee related products recognized by different making process. In some regions which coffee drinking is not the main habit in daily life. For example in China, Tea obtains considerate market shares in beverage market. Competitive Rivalry: Coffee industry possesses intense competition. The differentiation of products between different entities is low and easy to replicate. Worldwide demand of coffee is growing. More than 500 billion cups of coffee were being consumed yearly. Meanwhile, hundreds of exist competitors led to low switching cost of customers. Starbucks roast 4 hundred million pounds coffee annually. It has high quality requirement on coffee beans. In that case, the company cultivates the stable relationship with its own suppliers. So Starbucks has high cost on switching suppliers. However , Starbucks highlights and chases the experience that their customers can obtain in coffeehouse. The company positions itself as the third place besides workplace and home. This high level of experience and also good quality coffee raise the switching cost of customers and reduce the power of bargaining. SWOT Analysis Strength Starbucks stands one of the most recognized and respected brands in the world. It has the largest chain stores, which is operating approximately 18,000 stores in 62 countries. Besides high coffee’s quality, the strongest advantage of the company is the experience it delivers to the customers. Starbucks is not just passionate purveyors of coffee, but everything else that goes with a full and rewarding coffeehouse experience. The company also provides well offers to employees compared with other competitors in the industry. Weaknesses Starbucks has high price in the market based on its quality and so-called experience. The main was the high cost of the products. It contains the rent of the stores where located in very popular districts. The company offers good paid to their employees. And also, it is influenced by the coffee beans’ price. Starbucks’ main target consumers are well educated white collars. So it is influenced by the cycle of economy to some extent. Opportunities About 79% of the revenue comes from the company-operated stores, which means Starbucks has low levels of diversification. The company need to develop more kinds of products to meet different demand. There are great opportunities in local market, the company could focus on the expansion to emerging economies. The smart phone and moving technology is developing really fast. From online promotion to offline sails, new form of sail brings the company more opportunities. Threats Local competitors could be the direct threat to Starbucks on internationalization. The model and the style is easy to be replicated by new entrants. High cost is the weakness of Starbucks and also brings threats compared with other competitors. The saturated demand in some market needs to be considered carefully in future strategy. SWOT Analysis of StarbucksStrength -Good reputation -Largest chain stores -Quality and experience -Well employees treatmentWeaknesses -High price -High cost -Influenced by economy Opportunities -Diversification -Expansion on emerging -Online to Offline model -Chain stores could promote the diversification -New technology such as App would be used widely -Good financial statement provide capital on emerging -Reduce the influence by diversification and emerging -New model could enhance sails and also get lower on the price Threats -Competitors in local market -Be replicated -Rising price of the cost -Saturated market-Good reputation has strong competitive power in new market -Hard to be replicated -Reliable loyalty of customers -High cost could bring the competitors more opportunities -Close stores after crisis in saturated market Internationalization Company-operated versus licensed stores Starbucks set the mix form of company-operated and licensed stores in a given market. About more than 70% revenue is generated from company-operated stores. See the below chart. Actually, Starbucks could be considered has both forms of chain and franchise stores. The chain stores consist its main profit annually. Compared with Mcdonald’s, the very success in franchise model worldwide, Starbucks has its own advantages on internationalization. The company has the absolute dominate right to decide every aspects of a new store. It contains the decoration style, location picking, training new employees and so on. This form could fully maintain the value and culture of a company. To Starbucks, the experience of the customers and the spirit are the target and  the core value of their products. Its mission is to inspire and nurture the human spirit. Company-operated store is the right way which could assure that the value will be delivered completely. After repurchased the shares of some stores in some first level cities in the world, Starbucks shown its insist in the quality on the expansion road. However, this form costs more higher than franchise. Starbucks need to decide main issues such as the store’s design respectively. The most important is, without local partner, the company will hardly know and understand the real demand and then provide the suitable service. These real problems could not be ignored on internationalization. Local Competition After entering the new market, what is waiting for Starbucks is the intense local competition. Starbucks has to face new problems and balance the profits and its belief in coffee. Price The Price Discrimination in different countries was questioned by media. Starbucks was doubted on the reasonability of price. High price compared to the other coffee retailers let Starbucks to be luxury products in some developing countries. High cost is the main reason of the price. Sails to some extent rely on the growth of economy. This brings more chances to local competitors. Local Demand Coffee is not the irreplaceable drink in people’s daily life in some countries although the consumption of coffee is increasing annually. This situation requires Starbucks obtain brilliant ability on innovation and diversification on products. Providing tea products and acquiring tea producer’s company is the necessary strategy in featured markets. Competitors Starbucks needs to compete with local competitors and international retailers after entering the new market. For example, Mcdonald’s possesses stable relationship with local partners based on its stores and also has long time experience than the others. The wide spread network and well understanding to the local market provide McCafe a perfect stage. The local competitors also have obvious advantages on cost and distribution. Conclusion After experienced the stores closure issue, Starbucks was doubted and received criticism for going and expanding too fast. Actually, Starbucks did not stop its pace on internationalization. According to the numbers provided by the company in 2009, there are about 800 US. company-operated stores were closed out of 1000 planned closure globally. The measurement of Starbucks could be considered as an adjustment which emphasized on the demand saturated market. Its global expansion is still going on especially in the developing market which obtains tremendous potential demand such as China. However, on the road of expansion worldwide, Starbucks still has variety of problem which need to deal with. No matter how its strategy is adjusted, Starbucks should maintain its quality and experience to their customers. Their belief on coffee is the only sustainable way to the future. Reference Resuming Internationalization at Starbucks; Richard Ivy School of Business, The University of Western Ontario Starbucks’ Annual Reports of 2012

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Accident Rates

More than 60 per cent of road accidents that occur between 10 p. M. And 6 a. M. Are because of drunken driving. A death occurs every 4 minutes on Indian Roads. According to Decca Chronicle, Karakas ranks 3rd in the list of Top 5 states with highest road accidents. More than 60% of road accidents occur because of drunken driving. Decca Chronicle – Karakas ranks 3rd- Top states with highest roads accidents Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, You as you know are traffic policemen (and women) and we are your senior police officials.Today we are here to discuss an issue of grave importance to each one of us – A new Promotion Policy. Here is an eye opener for the entire Bangers traffic police force. And we hope this sensitizes each one of us to the bigger picture. A death occurs every 4 minutes on Indian Roads. Highest road accidents. In the last three years, we have booked around 35 lake cases for various traffic violations such as reckless driving, drunken driving, over sp eeding, driving without license, driving on no-entry roads, Jumping signals and haphazard 10 p. M. And 6 a. M. E because of drunken driving. As you can see in the Table, the Total no. Of Reported road accidents in Bangers has gone down considerably and yet, Vainglorious do not feel safe on the road. During my interactions with a few of you, I got the sense that beyond the minimum required no. Of cases to be booked every month, very few of you take the initiative of booking additional road offenses. We have been facing a lot of criticism from a leading newspaper that claims that 30% of road offenses go unreported. We realized that this is the main reason behind the facts as they hold.And so, to reward those of you who do your Job diligently, (and I am sure most of you already belong to that bracket), we have devised a new policy. We will follow a quarterly appraisal policy wherein each quarter, the 3 officers who book the maximum number of cases will be awarded a Badge of Honor. This badge will signify your commitment to duty, pride and honor towards your department, city and people and education to work. In addition to this, these three people will also be a part of an exclusive Topper's Club which we hope will keep growing every quarter.This club will provide you the opportunity to interact with high achievers from the entire country during the Bi Annual National Meetings and let your family reap benefits for your hard work in the form of fully sponsored family vacations. And finally, at the time of promotions the most hard working of you all will be preferred. The no. Of badges each of you has will stand testimony to this fact. The one with the highest no. Of badges will be promoted as and when the vacancies arise. And now, I'd like you to have a look at this:

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How to Write an Accounting Research Paper

How to Write an Accounting Research Paper Writing a research paper for Accounting is no different than writing a research paper for another discipline. However, there is no agreed-upon writing style format within this discipline, so be certain to follow your professor’s instructions. If no preference is stated, then follow APA guidelines, utilizing a 12 pt. Times New Roman font. Writing a research paper for Accounting involves several steps: Select a topic – If your professor has not provided you with a topic and you cannot readily think of one, then watch the news or read a newspaper. Some areas to consider for research are treasury stock, managerial, or financial accounting. The topic should be one that has relevance, not only to you, but to your targeted reading audience as well. Conduct some background research – Peruse at least three resources in order to develop an argument or thesis statement for your research paper. Develop an outline – Begin by providing your thesis statement above the outline. The thesis statement should consist of one or two sentences that clearly describe the purpose of your research paper. It is the controlling statement for your paper. The outline shows how you plan to develop your paper, step-by-step. Write your draft – Your paper should contain an introduction, body, conclusion, and references. Begin your paper with an introduction. It should include your thesis statement and should also explain the importance of your argument. The main part of your paper is the body where you will provide evidence to support your thesis statement, that is, the main premise or argument of your paper. The conclusion summarizes the main points in your paper with a clear connection as to how the points support your thesis statement. Unless specified by your professor, you are expected to cite sources from peer-reviewed journals. These sources should be listed on a separate references page in addition to being cited within your Accounting research paper. Revise your outline and draft – Expect to revise both your outline and draft as you write your paper. As you research, more ideas and information will surface. This will necessitate adding and/or deleting ideas as well as reorganizing the sequencing of ideas in a logical and coherent manner. Proof-read and edit your final draft. Make certain that mechanical errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation have been addressed. Recheck word-choice and sentence structure. You may need to pull out that thesaurus to avoid using the same words too many times. Avoid writing in first or second person. Do not use â€Å"he† or â€Å"she.† Instead, refer to â€Å"an individual† or â€Å"a person.†

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Red King Crab Facts and Identification

Red King Crab Facts and Identification They are the biggest and most sought-after shellfish in Alaska. What are they? Red king crab. Red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus)  is one of several king crab species. They entice fishers and seafood consumers with their snow-white (edged by red), flavorful meat. If youre a fan of reality TV, you might be familiar with red king crab, as they are one of two species (along with snow, or opilio crab) fished on Deadliest Catch. What Do King Crabs Look Like? As youd probably guess from the name, red king crab have a reddish carapace that can vary from brownish to dark red or burgundy. They are covered in sharp spines. These are the largest crab in Alaska. Since they dont expend as much energy in reproduction, males can grow much larger than females. Females can weigh up to about 10.5 pounds. The largest male on record weighed 24 pounds and had a leg span of about 5 feet.   These crabs have three pairs of legs used for walking and two claws. One claw is larger than the other and is used for crushing prey.   While it may not be apparent, these crabs are descended from hermit crab ancestors. Like hermit crabs, a red king crabs back end is twisted to one side (more drastically in hermit crabs, so they can fit into the gastropod shells that provide their shelter), they have one claw larger than the other, and their walking legs all point backward.   How Do You Distinguish Male King Crabs from Females? How do you tell males from females? There is one easy way: To keep crab populations healthy, only male red king crabs can be harvested, so if youre eating a king crab, it is most likely a male. In addition to size differences, males can be distinguished from females by the flap on their underside, which is triangular in males and rounded in females (this flap is larger in females because it is used to carry eggs).   Classification Kingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ArthropodaSubphylum: CrustaceaClass: MalacostracaOrder: DecapodaFamily: LithodidaeGenus: ParalithodesSpecies: P. camtschaticus Where Do Red King Crabs Live? Red king crabs are a cold water species native to the Pacific Ocean, although they were also intentionally introduced into the Barents Sea 200. In the Pacific Ocean, they are found from Alaska to British Columbia and Russia to Japan. They are usually found in waters less than 650 feet deep.   What Do Red King Crabs Eat? Red king crabs feed on a variety of organisms, including algae, worms, bivalves (e.g., clams and mussels), barnacles, fish, echinoderms (sea stars, brittle stars, sand dollars) and even other crabs.   How Do Red King Crabs Reproduce? Red king crabs reproduce sexually, with internal fertilization. Mating occurs in shallow water. Depending upon their size, females can produce between 50,000 and 500,000 eggs. During mating, males grasp the female and fertilize the eggs, which she carries on her abdominal flap for 11-12 months before they hatch. Once they hatch, the red king crab larvae look similar to shrimp.  They can swim, but are largely at the mercy of tides and currents. They go through several molts over 2-3 months and then metamorphose into a glaucothoe, which settles to the ocean bottom and metamorphoses into a crab that spends the rest of its life on the ocean bottom. As they grow, red king crabs molt, which means they lose their old shell and form a new one.  During its first year, a red king crab will molt up to five times.  These crabs are sexually mature at about 7 years old. These crabs are estimated to live up to 20-30 years.   Conservation, Human Uses, and the Famous Crab Fishery After sockeye salmon, red king crab is the most valuable fishery in Alaska.  The crab meat is eaten as crab legs (e.g., with drawn butter), sushi, or in a variety of other dishes.   Red king  crabs are caught in heavy metal pots in a fishery that is famous for its dangerous seas and weather. To read more about red king crab fishing, click here.   Deadliest Catch- a crustacean lovers favorite reality series- tells the harrowing at-sea adventures of the captains and crew on  6 boats. But there were 63 boats in the Bristol Bay red king crab fishery in 2014. These boats caught the 9 million pound quota of crab in about  four weeks. Much of that crab is shipped to Japan.   As for the U.S., it is likely the red king crab you eat isnt caught by the fishermen on the Deadliest Catch  boats. According to, in 2013, 80 percent  of the red king crab sold in the U.S. was caught in Russia.   Threats to Red King Crab Populations Although catches of red king crab are steady at the moment,  recent reports  show they are vulnerable to  ocean acidification, a lowering of the oceans pH, which makes it difficult for crabs and other organisms to form their exoskeleton.   Sources Ahyong, S. 2014.  Ã‚  (Tilesius, 1815)Paralithodes camtschaticus. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species.Alaska Department of Fish and Game.  Red King Crab  (). Accessed January 30, 2015.  Paralithodes camtschaticusAlaskan King Crab Company. How to Cook and Prepare Alaskan King Crab Legs. Accessed January 30, 2015.  Carroll, S. B. 2011. A Lesson of Genealogy: Looks Can Be Deceiving. New York Times. Accessed January 30, 2015.  Christie, L. 2012. Deadliest Catch Not So Deadly Anymore. CNN Money. Accessed January 30, 2015.NOAA FishWatch. Red King Crab.  Accessed January 30, 2015.  Soley, S. 2013.  From Ocean to Plate: The Life of the Red King Crab. EarthZine. Accessed January 30, 2015.Stevens, B. J. Adaptations of Crabs to Life in the Deep Sea. NOAA Ocean Explorer. Accessed January 30, 2015.  Welch, L.  Fish Factor: Strong 2015 forecasts for pollock, Bristol Bay salmon. Alaska Journal of Commerce. Accessed January 30, 2015.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

What considerations should managers take into account in developing Essay

What considerations should managers take into account in developing strategies for staff training and development - Essay Example Thus, this will enhance efficiency and effectiveness through building the strengths and improving on the weaknesses (Jackson et al., 2012). A well-conceived performance evaluation creates benefits for both the employer and employee. The implementation of the learning and development by the Coca-Cola Company Britain is one of the effective employee training and management developments. The company creates a conducive environment for their employees to socialize, to excel in their performance, develop skills for improvement, and enable them move towards their career goals. The strengths of the staff training and development in Coca-Cola Company are linked to their training goal that attracts the best people who can help the company achieve its objectives. The only weakness of the training strategy is the management of internal talent rather than talent search from other places. Otherwise, the training and development strategy can be improved through recruitment of new employees and providing skills training and development, employee performance, employee socialization skills, and specializations management. Conclusively, the HR should embrace proper socialization strategies such as anticipatory socialization, adaptation, and integration of employees into the organization. These will ensure that the employees appreciate the working environment; thus develops a dedicated, loyal, and productive attitude in the