Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Leon Trotsky Arguments essays

Leon Trotsky Arguments essays One argument of many Stalinists is: "If Trotsky had taken power instead of Stalin, it's very possible Germany would have defeated the USSR in WWII." This is one of the most absurd speculations I have ever heard. In the first place it was very possible Stalin could have lost the war since he purged all the old Bolshevik generals who served during the civil war, leaving him with a very impotent military staff. Secondly, had Trotsky been head of the CPSU it is quite probable that the ferment in Germany would not have taken the reactionary form of fascism, but on the contrary guided by genuine Marxist internationalism under Trotsky would have lead to the German Proletarian Revolution. Trotsky did not even have a fair chance of protecting the USSR against deformation in the first place. History doesn't just happen by chance, Stalin was not just a madman, if it was not Stalin in the USSR it may have been someone else. The reason by the USSR became a deformed workers' state was based in h istoric reasons, Russia was still a semi-feudal country, the proletarians only made up about 10% of the population. History simply was not on Trotsky's side. As Lenin said in his Letter to American Workers "We are banking on the inevitability of the world revolution, but this does not mean that we are such fools as to bank on the revolution inevitably coming on a definite and early date." Meaning, had Lenin not died, and had Trotsky by some incredible chance defeated Stalin in the power struggle he would have also industrialized the USSR, and to a degree, a bureaucracy may very well have formed to a degree, a direct result of Russia not being a developed capitalist nation. So even "if" Trotsky had "won", the key to a healthy workers' state in Russia and internationally was/is the spread of the revolution globally. despite of his better economic policy and his 5 years plan, i find stalin as a dictator that he causes so many disasters to his country and t...

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