Thursday, January 2, 2020

Effects of Television on Child Development Comparing...

Effects of Television on Child Development: Comparing Adverse and Positive Consequences of Watching Television Studying the effects of children watching television has been a popular field of research for many years and is becoming increasingly important as more of children’s time is spent on television. There are strong arguments for both the benefits and the detriments of television exposure. One of the most common arguments against television is the suggestion that it increases violence. Other cases for the negative effects include lowered self-esteem and increased materialism. Research supporting the benefits of television suggest an increase in pro-social behavior, tolerance of diversity, and an increase in general knowledge. Studies show that children spend an average of seven hours per day watching television or using another form of media (Strasburger, Jordan Donnerstein, 2010). With such a significant amount of time being spent watching television, it is important to study the effects and use the information to optimize child development. Aggressive Behavior One of the most debated effects of television programs is increased aggression. There are many studies that show results in violent behavior and less developed moral reasoning skills, but there are also many studies that dispute these findings. Research by Krcmar and Vieira (2005) found that children watching fantasy violence were more likely to think justified violence, like revenge, was acceptable. TheseShow MoreRelatedSocialization As A Function Of Media1561 Words   |  7 Pagesaround us. In particular, television has become the outlet with the greatest socialization impact in its influence on young viewers. The distribution of information has become a part of the process by which people learn about societal values and behaviors and come to understand cultural expectations. 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