Monday, May 18, 2020

Naked Vs Nude in Reference to Artwork Essay - 712 Words

There is no difference between the words naked and nude, in my opinion the words are pretty much interchangeable. The only thing that is different is how one interprets the words. A nude or naked body can be represented in a variety of ways. Most people will use the word naked when referring to a body presented in an arousing or sexual way, naked has a raw connotation, whereas many people use the word nude when referring to a body presented in an artistic way, which focuses on the form and shape of the body. I believe that it is the presentation of the naked or nude body that makes the difference, not which word is chosen to describe it. For example, if a strip club uses the phrase all nude dancers one does not†¦show more content†¦Interpretation of what is beautiful is the only variable, if the intention of the artist is to present the nude body in a tasteful and artistic manor; ones interpretation should not vary much due to gender. It is clear that society has a great effect on women and how they look at themselves and what they see is being beautiful. [Women] continue to be identified more with their sexuality and judged more by appearance and according to narrower ideals of beauty. As a result, those without the proper looks or attitude tend to lose out (a href= That statement clearly defines the age that we are living in. Society and the media (television, movies, magazines, etc.) portray women as unattractive and unfashionable unless they buy the latest footwear, clothing, fashion, jewelry, make up, hair products, and generally look a certain way. Unfortunately, many women believe that all of these products will help make them beautiful, desirable and attractive. This has had a negative affect on women because they will spend hundreds of dollars on these beauty products, diets, diet pills etc. in hopes to look like what is presented to them on television by supermodels, actresses, and celebrities. Some women may even go as far as to develop

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