Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Applications Of Genetic Engineering - 1897 Words

The applications of genetic engineering; Genetic engineering is involved in the production of insulin Monoclonal antibodies Vaccines Further use in the medicine industry Antihemophilic factors Other drugs Human albumin Human growth hormones which treat infertility The applications of genetic engineering; The use of technology allows genetic engineering to discover new thing in the body like the function and structure of genes. The increased development of technology has allowed plants, microbes and even animals to be genetically modified. Organisms are genetically engineered to discover the functions of certain genes. Other applications include transforming microorganisms such as bacteria cells with a gene coding for a useful protein.†¦show more content†¦For example, when two nucleotides come together to repair the DNA strand by joining together. There are two main types of DNA ligase, the first is found only in prokaryotic cells. The second is found in eukaryotic cells . Furthermore, mammals have four subtypes of ligases that vary in their function; DNA ligase III, this contains a DNA repair protein, called XRCC1, that helps to repair the DNA strand that occurs during nucleotide repair. Eukaryotic DNA ligases are larger than the prokaryotic cells. Therefore DNA ligase has a very important role of assisting with DNA repair and replication. It is an important feature of genetic recombination and w hen it comes to cloning. Ligases have the ability to join any DNA fragments with blunt ends. They can also join DNA fragments with sticky ends, but only if the nucleotides on the strands are complementary. To get complementary sticky ends the DNA fragments to be joined must be cut with the same restriction enzyme. Screening to identify transformed cells- there are many methods of screening that can take place on vectors in the form of positive selection, using a positive selection vector would be a simple option. The use of this will result in a lethal gene being expressed. Another effective method to simplify screening is to use a positive selection vector. An example will be the use of a restriction enzyme that should digestShow MoreRelatedApplication Of Genetic Engineering On The World1606 Words   |  7 PagesApplication of Genetic Engineering on Taro Adam Mohamed 10/23/2015 Introduction The field of genetic engineering is very promising, pertaining to the future of agriculture around the world. Research in this area is allowing for more and more improvements to the various aspects of a crop such as yield, visual quality, taste, nutritional value, disease immunity, and cold resistance, as well as many other benefits. A further understanding of both the genetics of crops and how to influenceRead MoreProcess Of Genetic Engineering Applications1629 Words   |  7 PagesPROCESSES USED IN GENETIC ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS The field of genetic engineering is comprised of multiple different subsets. 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